What you need to know

Injury and illness aren’t fun topics to ponder, but you’ll be grateful you gave them some thought when misfortune strikes. When you’re ill or injured and unable to work, your disability insurance benefits provide partial income replacement while you get back on your feet. You’re automatically enrolled in short- and long-term disability insurance as a new employee if you work 20 or more hours a week.

Having a baby?

A maternity leave is a combination of a pregnancy disability leave and bonding time with your new baby/child. Splunk’s paid parental leave provides up to 20 weeks of 100% paid leave (base salary) as of the baby’s birth/adoption/foster placement date.

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Short-term disability (STD)

If you need to be off work for more than five business days due to your own medical condition or pregnancy, you may qualify as disabled and be eligible for STD benefits. Contact The Larkin Company to file for a leave of absence. After the one-week waiting period (seven calendar days), you’ll be eligible for 70% of your weekly earnings* (maximum $3,500) for up to 180 days if your disability continues.

California employees are enrolled in the voluntary disability insurance (VDI) plan at a cost of 1.1% of your pay each year. The VDI benefits are not taxable.

Employees outside California are enrolled in the STD plan at no cost; benefits are taxable.

For coverage details, review the VDI plan summary PDF for California employees or the STD** and state disability insurance plan summary PDF for all other employees.

*Earnings for California employees comprise base salary only under the VDI plan. For all other employees, earnings include base salary, bonus and commission.

**Any eligible statutory benefits will be reduced from your payable STD benefits, if applicable, per the terms of the STD plan documents. You’ll apply for your statutory benefits and STD, receiving any eligible pay from those programs directly.

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Long-term disability (LTD)

Long-term disability picks up where STD leaves off—at day 181 of your disability. It continues for as long as you’re deemed fully disabled or until you reach Social Security normal retirement age. You are eligible to receive 66.67% of your monthly earnings (offset by any other sources of income per the terms of the plan document), up to a maximum of $30,000 monthly. Your LTD benefits are taxable.

Review coverage details in the LTD plan summary PDF.

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Please refer to the plan and policy documents for additional details on the plans, including exclusions, limitations and eligibility.